1. Kaila Colbin
2. Unpacking Learn, Create, Share
3. Sharing our collective understanding
4. Pat Snedden - The Moral Purpose to Learn
5 SLAM Session
6. Create - Stop Motion Fun
If I was to summarise the key things I took away from this Professional Development what would they be and why?
- Processing has been exponentially growing (Moore's Law)
- This has been transferred to a range of technology
- These follow the trend of the growth of processing
- Brains are not wired for this growth (1, 2, 4, 8 ... we get to very high numbers very quickly)
- How does it feel to go from nothing to everything with regards to technology
- To train an AI you feed it data
- AlphaGo trained this way
- AlphaGo 0 trained by playing itself
- AlphaStar (StarCraft 2 version) just beat a human champion
- Technological unemployment - potentially 46% of NZ
- Potentially create more jobs, however, there is...
- An increase in inequality - for a huge portion of the population the system does not work
- Increase cyber risk - everything is connected to the internet
- Algorithmic bias - when used for predictions because they have embedded historic bias
- Undermining of trust - technology that replaces your face or body for someone else, or your voice with someone else's
- 2018 was the best year every
- 295000 people gained access to electricity
- 305000 ppl gained access to drinking water
- cheaper to build and operate a new solar plant than maintain a coal plant
- $100 ultrasound that runs off your smartphone
- More people feed than ever before
- Algorithms are getting less bias
- How do we prepare our kids for this future
- "Code and Stem" - good but easy silver bullet
- Compulsory attendance vs global participation
- The day of the qualification is over
- World Economica Forum - 21st Century Skills - shift our focus to soft skills
- Solving unstructured problems
- Working new information
- Carrying out non-routine tasks
- Teach the kids ... Leadership
- first principles
- How do we step back and say how can redo things?
- What is the purpose of??? What is the best way to structure??? What is a success???
- What is the purpose of education? "To prepare for the workforce" - this is a human invention, but work is a law of physics
- Solving problems is a constant job
- Moral character
- can we??? (yes, or soon)
- We should be asking "should we?"
- Agency (the antidote to apathy)
- Heroic effort is a collective effort
- It is voluntary
- Follow your dreams
- first principles
- What is it we want to do today? How can I see this happen?
- What kind of society do we want our students to create?
- Part One - Group consensus for share
- "Sharing is the continual reciprocal process for passing on learnt ideas, knowledge and skills to an intended audience, and, when appropriate receiving feedback"
- How has our collective understanding affirmed our practice
- Our planning is based on this
- We have set the students up with scaffold their own LCS process within units of work
- More student agency within the last two terms of 2018
- What is challenging us
- to get the students to challenge themselves and know that there is an audience
- That feedback is to build on learning
- Our Deeper Learning Rubric and goal setting may help this
- To get an audience
- To teach new skills for sharing
- Peer support for teaching skills - who is able to...
- making sure we allow them to access these opportunities throughout the curriculum
- An opportunity to check in
- Thinking differently about how we teach Maori and Pasifika children
- How can we operate in a way to learn, then create and then shared, and the impact on their life opportunities
- Evidence of shift
- The investment on children, along with a trust structure to help facilitate success
- There is uncertainty to the process - but the clarity with developing after ups and downs
- A necessity for parents to understand that there will disruption
- This is a pathway for children to be in the "normal" within the bell curve of the child development
- The evidence is mounting that schools and children within the programme can be in the bell curve
- Longest running low decile data collection running in NZ
- MOE - more confirmed investors in the process - to be in 500 schools within 5 years
6. Stop Motion Fun -
- Using stop motion animator
- to get the students to challenge themselves and know that there is an audience
- That feedback is to build on learning
- Our Deeper Learning Rubric and goal setting may help this
- To get an audience
- To teach new skills for sharing
- Peer support for teaching skills - who is able to...
- making sure we allow them to access these opportunities throughout the curriculum
Note: Possible tools for the literacy discussion tool - Slack and Discourse
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