Wednesday, April 29, 2020

DMIC PD 2 - Talk Moves and Mathematical Practices

We have recently had two PD sessions on using DMIC (Developing Mathematical Inquiry in a Learning Community). The focus of these sessions has been to develop talk moves and mathematical practices.

Short summary:

Mathematical Practices -

  • Developing conceptual explanations including using the problem context to make explanation experientially real 
  • Collaborative support and responsibility for the reasoning of all group members: Use core Pasifika values
  • Developing justification and mathematical argumentation
  • Developing representing as part of exploring and making connections (How can I/we make sense of this for my/ourselves) 
  • Communication and justification (How can I explain, show, convince other people)
  • Developing the use of mathematical language 
  • Developing generalisations: Representing a mathematical relationship in more general terms. Looking for rules and relationships. Connecting, extending, reconciling.
Talk Moves -
  • Revoice ("So you said...", "I heard you say...")
  • Repeat ("Can you repeat what ____ just said?", "Can you tell me what ____ was saying?")
  • Reason ("What do you think?", "Do you agree or disagree?")
  • Adding On ("When ____ said ____, what else can we do here?", "What else can we add to ____ explanation")
  • Wait time - 20 to 30 seconds, embrace the discomfort
Here are my notes on both sessions:

My goals as a classroom teacher:
  1. I need to encourage my learners to provide multiple representations of their thinking
  2. Have groups describe how they will start to solve a problem after launching a task
  3. Make sure I am monitoring discussions, not leading group discussions (which will take some effort, force of habit)
My thoughts as the DMIC coordinator at Rāwhiti School:
  1. Clarify mathematical practices for teachers
  2. Clarify and possibly simplify the big ideas and how they connect to AO's for teachers
  3. Do we need an online location (shared drive or Google Site) where our resources, planning and PD can be put? This could include links to specific locations like the curriculum elaborations on or to Could this include a parent portal for ways to support maths learning at home?

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